Help Open Doors for DCI Students!

All gifts made online and through checks between now and December 31, 2023 count toward this year-end campaign.

Help Open Doors for DCI Students! image


raised towards $25,000 goal

Days Left


All gifts made online and through checks between now and December 31, 2023 count toward this year-end campaign.

🌟 Every Gift Opens Doors 🌟

DCI started 10 years ago from grassroots efforts to extend pathways for advanced language learners. In the last decade, DCI has evolved far beyond its original impetus, setting the bar for a high quality, global education meant for all students. Today DCI's work centers around three pillars: IB-for-all, advanced language proficiency, and student agency.

Our community continues to contribute time, voice, and resources to strengthen our school. We invite you to participate in our 2023 end-of-year giving campaign to further DCI's mission.

How every gift makes an impact:

✅ IB-for-all: 100% of DCI's students participate in rigorous, inquiry-based IB curriculum across all grades and subjects.

This academic preparation opens doors. Alumni report that their DCI education prepared them well for the requirements in post-secondary education. 🎓

✅ Advanced language proficiency: Coursework across a wide array of subjects and electives in Chinese, French, and Spanish not only focus on language proficiency, but cross-cultural competency and global understanding. Many school events and student groups were created to celebrate and learn about different cultures.

These global perspectives and skills open doors. 🌎

✅ Student Agency: DCI students exercise student voice inside and outside of the classroom. Students decide their topics of inquiry for independent projects, engage in Student Led Conferences, and take leadership roles in clubs and sports.

These leadership and self-advocacy skills open doors. 🚀

Here are some examples of how gifts at all levels matter!

$10 can support a new book to the library

$15 can support CPR & AED certification for a student in a health science class

$25 can support supplies for a lunch club

$50 can support a set of uniforms for one student athlete

$75 can support a regulation size ball for the athletics program

$100 can support groceries for one week of culinary arts classes

$150 can support PPE for a health science class for a semester

$250 can support one student’s computer

$300 can support props for one theatre production

$500 can support an away sports game's transportation

$1,000 can support a last-dollar scholarship for DCI alumni

$1,500 can support a Voyager immersion trip participant’s airfare

$5,000 can support the cost of a flagship cultural event

Friends of the Dragon Monthly Giving Circle

Donors who contribute monthly gifts of $5+ this fiscal year will receive recognition as part of DCI's monthly giving circle

Fire of the Dragon Leadership Giving Circle

Leadership donors who contribute gifts of $1,000+ this fiscal year will receive recognition as part of DCI's leadership giving circle and receive invitation to a thank-you event

Spark - $1,000

Flame - $2,500

Fire - $5,000

Increase your impact through employer matches or payroll deductions

DCI participates in the Combined Federal Campaign program, which is available to all federal employees to participate in charitable giving through payroll deductions. (DCI's CFC ID: 95863)

Please help DCI secure any employer matches available through your workplace! (DCI's EIN: 461143189)